Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Irish (American) Delights - A St. Patrick's Day List

As St. Patrick's Day approaches, America begins to be interested in all things Irish...or I should say, in all things we THINK are Irish. Americans may not be known for their knowledge of other countries, but we do know how to have a good time. A good deal of Irish blood flows through America, which probably helps with that.

To celebrate my Scotch-Irish heritage this year, I had planned to do some cooking and drink experiments and come our with some new recipes. However, I celebrated too hard on Saturday and can't stand for any length of time. (Actually, I fell and busted my knee marching in the city's St. Paddy's parade, but that isn't as fun of a story to tell.) Instead, I've had plenty of time to read fellow bloggers' posts and I'll curate my favorites for you.

In case you aren't pleased with being considered an ignorant American, Mental Floss has put together 15 Delightful Facts About St. Patrick's Day for you.


Apparently, anything that is the color green is considered an appropriate imbibe for St. Paddy's.

It's green...

This one wins my vote for the weirdest: The Green Patrick is a green twist on the bloody mary.

This recipe is a godsend to all vegans and people with dairy allergies. My first Irish love, Bailey's Irish Cream - made homemade vegan! Even if you aren't vegan, a look at all the chemicals in store-bought Bailey's is enough to make you want to make your own.

There are those occasional times when you might need a respite from the alcohol, or maybe you're making something for the kids to enjoy, too. This Green Pistachio Smoothie is a good answer to that.


This is how we roll in Huntsville. Bourbon and Shamrocks outdoor concert (these guys can also be seen jamming while riding in a pirate ship in our St. Patrick's Day parade):

 Great Irish drinking songs:
"Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced" by Dropkick Murphys
"Another Irish Drinking Song" by Da Vinci's Notebook
and here's one to watch after you've a couple o' pints in ya.

And, as idle hands are the devil's tool, here's something to knit up for next year.
Or, if it's still cold where you live, this is a must have for any drinking adventure: Beer mitt . If you don't knit have someone make it for you, because...awesomeness -- I mean, faith and begorrah!

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