Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Mini Monday Movies #002

Late week I started my own weekly movie review of sorts. One line thoughts about the movies and TV series I've been watching that week. Some I may be seeing for the first time, others I may have seen dozens of times. No spoilers, just shout outs...or sometimes shouts of pain. Because I like alliteration, I went with Monday as my day of choice. Better late than never, eh?

Batman & Robin 
Nipples on the Batsuit; that's all you need to know to judge this movie.


Magnum P.I.
The horrors of war in a Hawaiian shirt.


Like someone Instagram filtered Labyrinth (not saying it's a bad thing).


Murder She Wrote
A story about a woman who somehow manages to get involved in more than 264 different murders.


What was your movie week like? Cheers!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Mini Monday Movies

Movie reviews. Can't surf the internet these days without hearing some idiot's opinion of how any given movie failed miserably to live up to their expectations. Usually, while they're telling you verbosely how you should feel about said movie, they give away every plot twist and spoil any chance of an original thought or feeling on your part about the show.  I am very critical of the critic. I hate movie reviews. So I decided to make my own.

Result: one line thoughts about the movies I've been watching this week. Some I may be seeing for the first time, others I may have seen dozens of times. No spoilers, just shout outs...or sometimes shouts of pain.


Cool World
Not as terrible as you'd think a movie about cartoons having sex would be.


Demolition Man
If Mel Brooks made action movies, this would be the result.


Jack & The Cuckoo-Clock Heart
A wonderfilled fever dream of an animated steampunk circus musical.


Road House
Less kicking than Family Guy would have you believe.


Really just a grosser version of Teenwolf.
