Saturday, February 25, 2012

Review: Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas

Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas
Piratica: Being a Daring Tale of a Singular Girl's Adventure Upon the High Seas by Tanith Lee

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Piratica - a pirate tale, a slightly fantastical voyage, a mystery, another great adventure from author [a:Tanith Lee|8694|Tanith Lee|]. To say more than this would be revealing some of the plot twists and mystery, and would therefore be a total spoiler.

I should explain at the beginning of this review that I am a confirmed fan of the Tanith Lee and probably wouldn't have read this book if she was not the author. The book is less of a fantasy than some of her other books - there are no unicorns or goddesses - yet it takes place in a parallel world, where England is a republic in 1802 (or Seventeen-Twelvety, by their reckoning). We are thrust into this world where pirates drink coffee and the playwright Shakespur is adored.

Lee has always treaded the fine line between adult and young-adult fiction. This novel leans towards the children's book side, but still holds plenty of mystery for the rest of us. The author never dumbs down her work...and let's face it, we're never too old for pirates. A strong heroine and well developed characters, including a dog and a parrot, lead us through a truly unique pirate story.

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